PVDF membrane, or Polyvinylidene difluoride membrane, is used for blotting applications, amino acid analysis and protein sequencing of small amounts of proteins. In addition, Chinese PVDF membrane can be used stripped without losing sensitivity. Our PVDF membrane has been optimized for compatibility with a wide range of protein stains and enzyme-based detection systems. These PVDF membranes in China are more resistant and durable to discoloration than other commercial ones and have better retention of adsorbed proteins than other types of transfer membranes used for Western blotting, including nitrocellulose.
The standard 0.45-micron pore size membrane is available as pre-cut sheets and a roll in LANDYTOP Chemicals. The Low-Fluorescence PVDF membrane has a 0.2-micron pore size and is ideal for use with fluorescent probes. This membrane has lower background levels and increased sensitivity for fluorescent probing than regular PVDF or nitrocellulose membranes.